“Woken” Matt Hardy seeks wisdom from “George Washington” ahead of The Ultimate Deletion

The Ultimate Deletion is set for next week: Raw, March 12, 2018

Woken" Matt Hardy sentences Bray Wyatt to The Ultimate Deletion next Monday night at The Hardy Compound.

George Washington was a wise man, and as a giraffe, he just might hold the key to victory in Monday night’s Ultimate Deletion.

In a post on Twitter, “Woken” Matt Hardy revealed he sought tactical advice from a giraffe on The Hardy Compound who is named after — or perhaps is — the first president of the United States.

This would be outlandish for most Superstars, but in the case of The Woken One and his Great War with Bray Wyatt, it’s pretty sound strategy. Check out Hardy’s meeting with “the wisest SOUL in EXISTENCE” below.

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