Date and location

Sunday, Jun 19 | 8 PMET/5 PMPT

T-Mobile Arena
Las Vegas, NV

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She then throws Becky into The Queen of Harts, allowing Charlotte to defeat Natalya with Natural Selection.

Charlotte & Dana Brooke def. Natalya & Becky Lynch

LAS VEGAS — If you can’t beat them, join them. After WWE Women’s Champion Charlotte & Dana Brooke defeated Natalya & Becky Lynch with Natural Selection at WWE Money in the Bank, The Queen of Harts viciously attacked her partner, changing the landscape of the Women’s division.

Becky and Natalya showed the teamwork of longtime friends. They started their attack with a Hart Attack — a tribute to Natalya’s father Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart and uncle Bret Hart — then followed up with a double hiptoss and tandem baseball slide. The team nicknamed Hart & Fire was rolling.

Natalya blindsides her own partner, Becky Lynch: WWE Money in the Bank 2016 (WWE Network Exclusive)

Natalya attacks her own tag team partner, Becky Lynch, after their match against WWE Women's Champion Charlotte & Dana Brooke: Courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network.

But Charlotte turned the tide for her side with a big boot on Natalya, enabling her and Dana to overpower Natalya for several minutes. The Queen of Harts was reeling until she dodged a spear from the reigning champion and tagged in Becky, who bulldozed the opposition.

The frenzied attack culminated in a double missile dropkick, and when Natalya re-entered the battle and locked in the Sharpshooter, it seemed like she’d finally shake the monkey off her back and get the WWE Women’s Champion to submit.

Dana broke up the Sharpshooter and tossed Becky into Natalya, though, allowing Charlotte to connect with Natural Selection for the win.

With Charlotte celebrating another victory at Natalya’s expense, The Queen of Harts’ frustration boiled over after the match, as she pulled Becky down to the mat by her hair, then pummeled her with a series of fists.

Before their tag team matchup against Charlotte & Dana, Becky said Natalya was her “heart.” In betraying Becky at WWE Money in the Bank, Natalya broke it in half.

LAS VEGAS — If you can’t beat them, join them. After WWE Women’s Champion Charlotte & Dana Brooke defeated Natalya & Becky Lynch with Natural Selection at WWE Money in the Bank, The Queen of Harts viciously attacked her partner, changing the landscape of the Women’s division.

Becky and Natalya showed the teamwork of longtime friends. They started their attack with a Hart Attack — a tribute to Natalya’s father Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart and uncle Bret Hart — then followed up with a double hiptoss and tandem baseball slide. The team nicknamed Hart & Fire was rolling.

Natalya blindsides her own partner, Becky Lynch: WWE Money in the Bank 2016 (WWE Network Exclusive)

Natalya attacks her own tag team partner, Becky Lynch, after their match against WWE Women's Champion Charlotte & Dana Brooke: Courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network.

But Charlotte turned the tide for her side with a big boot on Natalya, enabling her and Dana to overpower Natalya for several minutes. The Queen of Harts was reeling until she dodged a spear from the reigning champion and tagged in Becky, who bulldozed the opposition.

The frenzied attack culminated in a double missile dropkick, and when Natalya re-entered the battle and locked in the Sharpshooter, it seemed like she’d finally shake the monkey off her back and get the WWE Women’s Champion to submit.

Dana broke up the Sharpshooter and tossed Becky into Natalya, though, allowing Charlotte to connect with Natural Selection for the win.

With Charlotte celebrating another victory at Natalya’s expense, The Queen of Harts’ frustration boiled over after the match, as she pulled Becky down to the mat by her hair, then pummeled her with a series of fists.

Before their tag team matchup against Charlotte & Dana, Becky said Natalya was her “heart.” In betraying Becky at WWE Money in the Bank, Natalya broke it in half.