Corey Graves and Piers Morgan trade shots on Twitter

Corey Graves and Piers Morgan trade shots on Twitter

If you were listening closely on Raw, you might have heard Corey Graves refer to WWE Cruiserweight Champion Enzo Amore as “the only guy who might be less liked in England than Piers Morgan.” Piers Morgan was listening. The firebrand social commentator immediately took to Twitter to drag Graves for the dig, and The Savior of Misbehavior responded in kind.

Morgan fired back by bringing Heath Slater of all people into this, which is somewhat uncalled for. He’s got kids, man.

Graves counter-punched immediately with a solid James Corden burn, thus bringing the beef from a broil to a simmer, at least for the time being.

And, yes, in case you were wondering, the guy who started all of this weighed in as well.

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