WrestleMania Time Capsule: 2007

WrestleMania Time Capsule: 2007

The following events also occurred in 2007 ...

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End was the top grossing movie of the year with a box office of $963,420,425

WrestleMania Time Capsule: 2007

No Country For Old Men won the Academy Award for Best Picture.

The Indianapolis Colts beat the Chicago Bears 29–17 to win Super Bowl XLI at Dolphin Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida. Quarterback Peyton Manning was named MVP.

The Boston Red Sox swept the Colorado Rockies 4–0 to win the 2007 World Series.

The San Antonio Spurs won their fourth NBA Championship by sweeping the Cleveland Cavaliers in four games. Tony Parker was named Finals MVP.

The Anaheim Ducks won the Stanley Cup, defeating the Ottawa Senators in 5 games.

WrestleMania Time Capsule: 2007
Beyoncé Knowles' "Irreplaceable" was the best-performing single of the calendar year, topping the Top Hot 100 Hits of 2007 for seven consecutive weeks.

Al Gore won the Nobel Prize for his work with climate change.

American Idol dominated the television ratings, coming in first place.

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