Shawn Michaels: Unplugged

Shawn Michaels: Unplugged

In his new 3 disc DVD set, Heartbreak & Triumph, Shawn Michaels holds up an unwavering mirror to his life -- and it's not always a pleasant reflection. While the DVD set features 14 of HBK's classic "Oh-my-God-did-you-see-that!" matches, it also offers an unvarnished glimpse at a man who has battled and overcome personal demons.

With the help of his friends, his family and his faith, Michaels has been able to heal the wounds that could have inevitably cost him everything. His story is truly one of redemption.

In the first of a two-part interview, Michaels sat down with and opened up about his life's work, chronicled in Heartbreak & Triumph.

Any reservations about being so candid with the darker periods in your life?

I told [the producers] from the beginning, "Don't be afraid to be honest." You know, if nothing else, I like to think I'm the guy saying, "Believe me, I know [what I was like]." I'm just thankful I came out of it. The good Lord brought me out of it, but let's not pretend things didn't happen, that I wasn't just this huge pain, and so I think the DVD shows that. I also think that in the end you get the sense that, OK, the change is genuine.

Were there moments in Heartbreak & Triumph that you found difficult to watch?
No. No, because I've made peace with everything. I like how the DVD moved along fast, but we don't dwell on one thing too much. We didn't beat [fans] over the head with anything. We didn't beat them over the head with my faith, we didn't beat them over the head with the Montreal [Screwjob], we didn't beat anybody over the head with the Bret Hart stuff, not even the whole inspirational part.

Watch a clip from Heartbreak & Triumph | Purchase

The truth will set you free; it certainly has me. The only aspect I ever worry about is if we somehow glorify all of [the negative elements], which we as a company don't do. I don't want to make it look cool, like something I had to do. We don't ever show it in a positive light.

What would you like fans to take away from this DVD set?
Knowing about second chances. Redemption. It's all real, you know? God is good. We can never, no matter how despicable we are, how disgusting we are, you really just have to allow God to work in your life. And it doesn't matter what everybody else says. We're too caught up in that, you know? What the masses think rattles believers and non-believers alike. The greatest thing that ever happened to me was worrying about what only one person thinks, and that's it. It all got easy after that. I just hope folks enjoy it. I thought it was neat.

Part II of exclusive HBK interview

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