Superstars roast Titus O'Neil on Twitter after Greatest Royal Rumble fall

Superstars roast Titus O'Neil on Twitter after Greatest Royal Rumble fall

Titus O'Neil's entry into the historic Greatest Royal Rumble Match proved to be memorable for all the wrong reasons. Entering the 50-man over-the-top-rope melee in the No. 39 spot, the leader of Titus Worldwide excitedly hustled down the long entry ramp, but as he prepared to dive under the bottom rope, Titus stumbled and somehow slid all the way under the ring. The commentary team lost their minds as the trip was replayed multiple times, and, of course, Twitter had a field day with Titus' unfortunate misstep.Β 


Twitter may be laughing, but the man himself, as expected, is already making million dollar moves.

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