Pregame jitters? Not so much

Pregame jitters? Not so much

Think the 2007 WWE Diva Search has been hot? Well, it's about to reach the boiling point.

On Monday, Sept. 10, we reveal the first competition and voting commences. For the first time, our fans will be able to see what the eight Diva hopefuls are really made of. caught up with each of the beauties to get their feelings going into the weekend before the action starts.

Lyndy Frieson

The events we did were fun. I'm looking forward to watching the coverage and laughing at myself, as well as hearing the viewers' responses. Everyone I know is going to be watching. We'll be sitting there, all excited with a bowl of popcorn. Thousands of fans have been MySpacing me and e-mailing me from all over the world. It's a bit overwhelming, but exciting.

Brooke Gilbertsen

I'm excited about the outcome of the whole Web site. I'm glad I got to meet those lovely girls and that I get to bring it on! I'm anxious to see how voting turns out. I told my family and friends and people I work with. Random people at school are coming up to me and saying "I can't believe you're on WWE." It's cute.

Jessica Hatch

I'm nervous in a good way, like an athlete ready to go into a big game. A doctor friend of mine is at a really large hospital and he's going to go set all the computers for everyone to vote. I also have friends in Texas and in other states who I've sent fliers to. Let's get this ball rolling and make something happen!

J. Kim

I'm ready for it to start. I'm not nervous. I feel like I have a lot of support. I've been online on forums and wrestling sites, trying to interact with fans. A lot of people want to get to know who we are and I'm ready for the competitions to start airing because I think everybody's true colors are going to start coming out.

Naomi Kirk

I'm excited for it to air. My friends and my family will be able to see the work that I've put into Diva Search and know how hard all the girls worked, how fun it was, and how great we look on camera. Friends I haven't talked to in a while saw the pictures and videos and were all really impressed. It's very flattering.

Taryn Terrell

I'm pumped. I'm antsy, but I know I'm giving it my all. I'm looking forward to feedback. I expect everyone to watch the footage and see I'm here for the right reasons -- because I care about wrestling and because I want to be a wrestler. I've been a WWE fan for a long time; I'm here to give back what WWE has given me.

Eve Torres

I'm feeling confident. I know I did well in the first competition; for the competitive girls, it brought out their spirit. People will see the good qualities we see in ourselves and why we should be the next Diva. I've had a few guys from high school contact me and tell me, "I was looking on the Web site and I can't believe it's you."

Lena Yada

The nerves are kicking in. It's amazing how much positive feedback I've gotten from everybody. It's been nice just to be involved in Diva Search, but I'm hoping to get the whole Hawaii 5-0 backup. I've had people I don't even know from school saying, "Remember me." It's the sweetest thing because it goes to show how much they're following WWE on their own.

Make sure to catch all of the extensive coverage of the first competition including weeklong programming packed with tons of videos, photos and exclusive stories. And don't forget to vote starting Monday for who you think deserves to be the next WWE Diva. After all, you and you alone will decide the fate of these eight beauties. It's only on, the official home of 2007 WWE Diva Search.

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