A single photo captures the larger-than-life presence of Andre the Giant

A picture says a thousand words, but in a recently posted photo of Andre the Giant and an awestruck little boy, there’s really only one: Wow!

History in Pictures, a group on social media with a reputation for posting photos that are historically and culturally significant, recently had one of their posts go viral, capturing a candid moment from the 1970s between a young boy and the WWE Hall of Famer.

The WWE Universe is well-aware that The Eighth Wonder of the World was larger than life, but to see the astonishment on the boy’s face in such a candid setting really highlights the physical size and pop culture presence of Andre.

For more about Andre the Giant, check out this exclusive video.

The legend of Andre the Giant

Few Superstars have left as indelible a mark on WWE as WWE Hall of Famer Andre the Giant. Learn about The Eighth Wonder of the World's incredible life.

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