Building your biceps with Ezekiel!

"The Personification of Domination" wants to pump you up! From the pages of "WWE Magazine's" July issue - on newsstands now - Ezekiel Jackson shares his formula for building shirt-busting biceps with three lifts that helped him achieve the biggest pythons in WWE:


Four Sets of 8-12 Repetitions

Sit at a preacher bench with your arms on the pad. Put your hands shoulder-width apart and grab the curl bar with an underhand grip. Raise the bar to your chin until your forearms are vertical and lower it until your arms are fully extended in a controlled motion. “The key here - and with all my exercises - is to keep the movement simple,” The Guyanese Goliath says. “All your focus should be on the workout.”


 Four Sets of 8-12 Repetitions

“This is a bread-and-butter exercise for me because I live to build mass,” Ezekiel says. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding two dumbbells at your side, palms facing in. Tuck in your elbows and raise one dumbbell toward your chest while you rotate your forearm to a vertical position. Your palm should be facing your shoulder. Lower the weight back to its original position and repeat the exercise with the opposite arm.


Four Sets of 8-12 Repetitions

Sit at the edge of a flat bench with a barbell resting across your thighs. Holding the barbell in the same underhand grip as in the preacher curls, lift it toward your chest until your forearms are in a vertical position. Lower the barbell back down, but make sure you keep it from touching your thighs. “The key is to always be in control of the weight,” Ezekiel says. “You don’t want to drop the barbell and crush your quads.”

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