Instant Access - John Cena

John Cena catches up with WWE Instant Access
Nov. 1, 2005 caught up with several Superstars after their matches at Taboo Tuesday. Here is what John Cena had to say after he defeated Kurt Angle & Shawn Michaels in a Triple Threat Match to retain the WWE Championship: Congratulations. John, what was it like to wake up this morning knowing that you're not just facing an intense Olympic gold medalist, but also an unknown top-caliber Superstar?

Cena: Same as everyone, when you're The Champ, everyone's got eyes on you. So even if you're in a match one-on-one at any given time, you know the entire roster is watching you and waiting to make their move. Did you have different strategies for your potential opponents - HBK, Big Show and Kane?

Cena: I'm not the strategic guy that everyone thinks I am. When you worry about strategy, you're caught up in hype. I just go out there and swing until the lights go out. You had a little bit of a preview when you faced Shawn Michaels on Monday. What are your thoughts on "The Showstopper?"

Cena: Same as they were before. He's possibly the best ever. The only thing that's different is that I know I don't want to be on the receiving end of Sweet Chin Music. You've yet to directly beat Kurt Angle in a WWE Championship match, and Kurt holds three victories over you. What do you see as the key to beating Angle?

Cena: Apparently now, consistency. A lot of men worry about wins and losses and don't take losses too well - Kurt Angle being one of those men. Nobody's perfect. You can't win every match. So, you just try not to lose too many in a row and bounce back when you do. With a guy like Kurt, you know you'll get the hell beat out of you, and for most opponents, he takes care of them in one match and that's the last you hear of them. I've hung with Kurt for quite a while, and I'm a little beat up, but I'm not done yet. What would you like to say to all the members of the Chain Gang reading this right now?

Cena: A true soldier is someone who will go to war with you through the bad times. Everybody wants to be on your side when life is gravy. So, every single person riding with me right now, I promise not to let them down.

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