The Miz & R-Truth sound off on WWE COO Triple H

The Miz & R-Truth sound off on WWE COO Triple H

Bucking protocol by attempting to schedule themselves in a match against Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne for the prestigious WWE Tag Team Titles at Night of Champions, The Miz & R-Truth are clearly more convinced than ever that a conspiracy is running rampant in WWE – and that WWE Chief Operating Officer Triple H is at the center of it all. caught up with Miz & Truth for an interview mere moments after they issued a strongly worded challenge to “Air Boom” on WWE Raw SuperShow, but The Awesome One and the unorthodox former rapper wouldn’t let us get a word in. Instead, the vocal tandem went on a rant about The Game’s alleged “C-O-N-spiracy,” not getting the attention they feel they deserve and what they plan on doing to their potential Night of Champions opponents.


Were The Miz & R-Truth out of line in trying to place themselves in a WWE Tag Team Championship Match at Night of Champions? Will “Air Boom” even accept their challenge? Watch the video above, then share your thoughts on Facebook and Twitter.

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