The real Joey Styles

This Sunday at One Night Stand, Joey Styles will return as the official voice of Extreme Championship Wrestling. Just over five weeks ago, Joey Styles quit his position as lead announcer of Monday Night RAW, citing constant frustration over the way in which his duties were to be performed. On Thursday, Joey Styles contacted to give his thoughts on his return to the place he calls home.
Styles immediately addressed the circumstances under which he quit RAW and signed on with the new ECW. "Five weeks ago, after six months of being put in a position where I feel I was set up to fail, my frustrations finally boiled over, and I quit both RAW and WWE. Shortly thereafter, I received a call from Paul Heyman who informed me that WWE was going to be re-launching ECW, and that he would like me to return as the voice of the company's television program. I immediately accepted the offer, and made the decision to come home to ECW."

In regards to his future as the voice of ECW on Sci Fi, the controversial announcer wants fans to know that the old Joey Styles is coming back. "I want the fans to know that the Joey Styles they saw on RAW for the past six months is not the real thing. On RAW, I was specifically told not to identify and analyze the wrestling holds and moves, which is half of what I thought made me a good play-by-play man in ECW. I was told not to be passionate, not to be opinionated and not to be sarcastic. Those were all things that I believed contributed to my success as a commentator. Now that I'm back, I will be passionate. I will be opinionated. I will be sarcastic, and now I can do it all without any reprisal. It's my right and my job to express my opinions and call it as I see it from ringside."

As the new ECW prepares for its official launch this Sunday at One Night Stand, a passionate Styles issued some emotional parting words. "The old Joey Styles is back. Uncompromised, uncensored and unafraid. Long live ECW.

Watch Styles quit RAW

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