Extreme Exposé turns up the heat with FHMOnline.com

Extreme Exposé turns up the heat with FHMOnline.com

See the WWE.com behind-the-scenes photos of the FHMOnline shoot.

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Extreme Exposé is used to thrilling our fans with their dance routines and sexy style in a WWE ring. This week, however, the beautiful Divas will captivate a whole new audience when Layla, Kelly Kelly and Brooke find themselves gracing the pages of FHMOnline.com -- the premier online magazine for men. The three Divas were in New York City this past week for the photo shoot, and all three members of Extreme Exposé couldn't be more proud of this honor.

"Today is a great day for us," said Layla. "I love being in front of the camera, and I love that all three of us will have a shoot together." She continued, "We are doing solo shots too, but having Extreme Exposé together is really special."

Even more special to Layla is that the hopes she had for herself after winning WWE's Diva Search 2006 are finally becoming a reality.

"When I came into Diva Search these are the things I wanted to do," she said. "Now I'm living those dreams. I'm here doing FHM, and it's a great opportunity for me and for Extreme Exposé as a group."

That bond between the three Divas is something very dear to Layla's heart, and sharing the pages of FHMOnline with her Exposé partners is especially rewarding to Layla. "It's a special moment because we are like sisters," she said. "We travel together on the road and practice our routines together. This is time when we can let our hair down, have fun and showcase ourselves individually, but as a team too. This is really gratifying for us because we all love doing this."

Layla's Extreme Exposé partner Brooke echoed those sentiments.

"I'm so proud we are here as a group," Brooke said. "We started together and worked our way up the ladder together, and to be here -- all of us at once is such an honor." She continued, "To be featured in one of today's leading men's Web sites is amazing. I didn't think we would get a chance like this so early as a group, but here we are doing it."

As for what she hopes will come from this shoot, Brooke smiled and said, "I want to be the sex symbol that every girl wants to be like and every guy wants to have." She reiterated Layla's feelings, saying, "so this opportunity is incredible."

As for the photos themselves that will appear on FHMOnline.com, Brooke said, "they are awesome. Each of us girls is sexy in our own way. We all bring something different individually, and the pictures they took will reflect that. I have never done anything quite like this shoot."

For Kelly Kelly, the FHMOnline experience is similar to Exposé partners Layla and Brooke.

"It means so much to be here today," she said. "I remember seeing Torrie's FHM shoot and how classy and sexy it was and saying to myself, ‘I want to do that someday.' And here I am, fulfilling that dream. I can't wait for people to see these pictures."

Kelly Kelly also sees this as a great honor for someone in her position. "Being relatively new to sports-entertainment, I never would have imagined this," she said. "But to share it with Layla and Brooke makes it so much more meaningful. We feed off each other; we have been together everyday for almost a year, so we know everything about each other and we have fun together. This shoot is no exception," smiled Kelly.

See the WWE.com behind-the-scenes photos of the FHMOnline shoot.

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