"This is Your Life, Rock"

"This is Your Life, Rock"

WWE.com's No. 6 Greatest Moment in Raw History roars onto the list like a full belly laugh, thanks to a pair of sports-entertainment's most charismatic jokers: The Rock and Mick Foley.

The Rock ‘n' Sock Connection — named after the third-generation Superstar and Foley's trusty hand puppet, Mr. Socko — helped Raw earn one of its highest ratings ever during a segment entitled "This Is Your Life, Rock," which aired September 27, 1999. Watch the video...

Mankind hosted the parody of the popular 1950s program and cast the spotlight on his tag team partner and guest of honor, The Rock. The segment featured people from the Great One's past, including a matronly home-economics teacher, a grumpy high school football coach and a "skanky" former high school sweetheart.

"You cut The Rock off on second base," The Brahma Bull reminded the ex, in one of his more memorable lines. "The Rock just has one thing to say to you: Pootang your ass on outta here!"

In an attempt to salvage the busted evening, Mankind introduced Yerfel the Clown, who led the audience in a rendition of "Happy Birthday" for The Rock. The whole program was an olive branch offered up by the gentle Mankind to make peace with a man whom he had battled over the WWE Title with several times throughout the year.

There was only one problem with the kind gesture: The Rock's actual birthday wasn't for another six months.

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