JBL's Blog

JBL's Blog

Antarctica last Christmas and Iraq this Christmas. I like the places that everyone else likes as well.

I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by how successful the surge has been in Iraq. The security situation since last year has improved dramatically. I have been to Iraq for five straight years, and this is the best I have seen it by far. The problem now is handing it off to the Iraqis, which our guys say will happen and will work. I would just like all of our guys to be able to come home.

Our annual Tribute to the Troops is scheduled for Dec. 24 on USA Network. You will be glad you tuned in to see it.

This blog will now become regular. I know you have heard that before.

I have been asked by a lot of people what is Mamajuana Energy, and when does it debut. What it is will have to wait, it is a surprise. However, the red carpet debut is set for Jan. 30. On that date, if you are alive, you will hear about it. This is going to change retail.

Just a short blog to say watch out for this site, because things are going to start happening and you will enjoy what it will be.

Don't forget to catch me on Neil Cavuto's show on Fox Business every day at 6:00 p.m. ET.

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