In the Cards for 11/23/06

Oh, this week the cards tell a most extreme story. The story of little 19-year-old Barbie doll want-to-be Kelly Kelly.
You see, Kelly Kelly's taste in men is very vulgar. She likes straight-edge guys like CM Punk while I gravitate more toward the bloodsuckers like Kevin Thorn. And while little Kelly Kelly may not understand the more adult lifestyle, the naïve teenager will be taught many lessons. One, a lesson in blood, another, a lesson in extreme lifestyles. She will learn a lesson in what happens when you get in the way of the fate that awaits you when the cards are turned over by me, Kevin Thorn's favorite wench, and the soothsayer that sees Kelly Kelly's future as nonexistent.
For Kelly Kelly, this is not a threat from Ariel. This is your lack of a future as deemed by the cards that I've just read for you.


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