Can The Singh Brothers put on their greatest performance yet?

Akira Tozawa & The Brian Kendrick accept challenge from The Singh Brothers: Exclusive, July 23, 2019

Responding to The Singh Brothers’ claim that they are undeserving of a match, The Brian Kendrick and Akira Tozawa remind The Singhs that they are former champions and accept the challenge.

Following their rivalry with The Lucha House Party, The Singh Brothers turned their attention to The Brian Kendrick and Akira Tozawa. In attempting to condescendingly bestow a Bollywood Lifetime Achievement Award to Kendrick, The Singhs drew the ire of The Man with a Plan, who defeated Sunil Singh in singles competition. When the brothers attacked the former Cruiserweight Champion after the match, Akira Tozawa dashed to the ring, helped his partner dispel the brotherly duo and stand tall at Kendrick’s side.

One week later, Tozawa bested Samir Singh one-on-one and left the ring with The Singhs’ coveted Bollywood Award. Sunil and Samir responded by challenging Tozawa and Kendrick, and the former WWE Cruiserweight Champions gladly accepted, citing their respective resumes and aiming to put on a greater performance than their Bollywood rivals.

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