Will The Brian Kendrick and Gentleman Jack Gallagher continue to target Cedric Alexander?

Cedric Alexander & Rich Swann wow the crowd with their acrobatic offense: WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs 2017 (WWE Network Exclusive)

Cedric Alexander & Rich Swann take to the skies in their tag bout against Gentleman Jack Gallagher & The Brian Kendrick: Courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network.

After weeks of targeting Cedric Alexander, Gentleman Jack Gallagher and The Brian Kendrick unleashed an aggressive side of their nemesis, as Alexander proved he can hold his own against the British Superstar and The Man with a Plan, who pride themselves on being fighters. Recruiting his friend Rich Swann to square off against the nefarious duo at WWE TLC, Alexander proved once and for all that he wasn't intimidated by Gallagher and Kendrick, picking up a victory in an exciting tag team bout.

It would seem Gallagher and Kendrick underestimated Alexander's ability and his friendship with Swann. However, they revealed a more intense side of Alexander – similar to the way Kendrick unleashed Gallagher's more aggressive nature – begging the question of whether this is all part of a plan. It remains to be seen if Gallagher and Kendrick will continue to focus on Alexander or move on, but the duo will certainly not back down from a fight.

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