Rich Swann defends Cedric Alexander’s honor

Rich Swann reveals why he sent gifts to Alicia Fox: WWE 205 Live, April 18, 2017

After turning WWE 205 Live's love triangle upside-down, Rich Swann explains the true motives behind his recent actions regarding Alicia Fox.

A heated exchange between Rich Swann and Noam Dar regarding the gifts Swann has been giving Dar’s girlfriend Alicia Fox took a wild turn when the former Divas Champion herself confronted both Superstars. Although she showered Dar with compliments, the WWE Universe was left stunned when she proceeded to dump The Scottish Supernova, claiming she was using him the entire time.

Kicking Dar out of the ring, Fox then turned her attention to Swann, seemingly ready to pursue a new romance. However, before the former Divas Champion could put the moves on her prospective new beau, Swann rejected her. Citing his close friend – and Alica Fox’s ex – Cedric Alexander, Swann informed Fox that in defending the injured Alexander’s honor, he exposed what kind of person Fox really is to the rest of the world.

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