Team Lucha Lucha (Kalisto, Cedric Alexander, Rich Swann, Mustafa Ali & Gran Metalik) def. The Zo Train (WWE Cruiserweight Champion Enzo Amore, Tony Nese, Drew Gulak, Noam Dar & Ariya Daivari)

Team Lucha Lucha vs. The Zo Train - 10-Man Tag Team Match: Raw, Oct. 23, 2017

Kalisto, Rich Swann, Cedric Alexander, Mustafa Ali and Gran Metalik battle WWE Cruiserweight Champion Enzo Amore, Ariya Daivari, Tony Nese, Noam Dar & Drew Gulak.

The Zo Train is off the tracks. One night after reclaiming the WWE Cruiserweight Title from Kalisto, Enzo Amore assembled the best crew money could buy … and The King of Flight wiped the floor with them thanks to an assist from his own squad, the gravity-defying quartet of Cedric Alexander, Rich Swann, Mustafa Ali & Gran Metalik.

The best thing that could be said for The Zo Train was that Enzo’s lost voice didn’t stop his pre-match diatribe — Drew Gulak delivered it in the champ’s stead. But apart from that, it was something of a nightmare for Enzo & Co., from a quadruple superkick to Gulak to an outside-the-ring brawl that took out everyone but Kalisto, Swann, Enzo and Ariya Daivari.

A Swann superkick to Daivari sent The Persian Lion stumbling into and accidentally tagging in Enzo, who was summarily dismantled by The King of Flight. The Zo Train attempted to interfere, but Team Lucha Lucha denied them with a pair of suicide dives and moonsault, and a Salida del Sol sent Kalisto into his title rematch on 205 Live with all the momentum of a … well, a train.

Drew Gulak speaks for WWE Cruiserweight Champion Enzo Amore: Raw, Oct. 23, 2017

Prior to the 10-Man Tag Team Match between the Cruiserweights, Drew Gulak does the talking for "The Realest Champ in the Room."

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