Cedric Alexander def. Gentleman Jack Gallagher

Cedric Alexander vs. Gentleman Jack Gallagher: Raw, Oct. 16, 2017

The impressive Cedric Alexander battles The Gentleman in Cruiserweight action.

Gentleman Jack Gallagher and The Brian Kendrick have done just about everything in their power to take Cedric Alexander out of the running on 205 Live, but they’re a ways off from reaching that goal. In a rivalry that's been filled with sneak attacks, the Gentleman’s straight-up singles bout against Alexander was short, swift and almost entirely in the latter’s favor.

Alexander was all over Gallagher from the beginning, largely because the presence of Kendrick was neutralized by Rich Swann, who backed up the five-tool Superstar at ringside. Gallagher managed to get a leg up after a brief fracas between Kendrick and Swann, but when Swann wiped out The Man with a Plan with a wicked tornado DDT on the outside, Cedric sealed the deal with a Lumbar Check that turned Gallagher inside out. A solid win, but unfinished business looms large in the coming days when Gallagher faces Swann on 205 Live tomorrow, and the four Cruiserweights take the ring in tag team action on Sunday.

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