Big Show def. The Shining Stars

Big Show vs. The Shining Stars - 2-on-1 Handicap Match: Raw, Feb. 27, 2017

A leaner and meaner Big Show makes short work of The Shining Stars.

Rough as it was for the “La La Land” crew to find themselves mistakenly introduced as the Best Picture winner at the Oscars, at least they didn’t have to go into a match against Big Show when everything got straightened out. The same could not be said of The Shining Stars, who thought they were facing New Day, ended up getting the giant instead, and ended up exactly the way you thought they would. Their pamphlets were tossed aside. Their bodies were battered. Their chests were chopped. And despite a brief glimpse of hope, their efforts were dashed when Big Show KO Punched Primo and, ultimately, chokeslammed him straight into la la land.

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