Shane McMahon crashed the Vincent J. McMahon Legacy of Excellence Award Ceremony

Shane McMahon crashed the Vincent J. McMahon Legacy of Excellence Award Ceremony

DETROIT — Well, it’s safe to say that nobody saw any of this coming. One week after announcing the creation and awarding of the Vincent J. McMahon Legacy of Excellence Award, Mr. McMahon bestowed the honor on none other than Stephanie McMahon. OK, maybe some saw that coming, but they certainly didn’t expect the return of THE MONEY to ruin it all.

Stephanie didn’t even get a chance to start her acceptance speech before Shane McMahon, who hasn’t been seen in WWE since 2010, returned to question Stephanie’s status as the family flag-bearer. He also revealed a secret deal between him and Mr. McMahon that preserved his place in line throughout his time away from WWE. To top it off, Shane also demanded control of Monday Night Raw, which his father agreed to … with a catch: Shane must compete in a match of Mr. McMahon’s choosing and surrender a lock box of undisclosed family secrets should he lose. And that match is? Hell in a Cell … at WrestleMania … against The Undertaker.

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