Does Mr. McMahon regret hiring Vickie Guerrero as Managing Supervisor?

Does Mr. McMahon regret hiring Vickie Guerrero as Managing Supervisor?

Mr. McMahon convinces Vickie Guerrero to make a match for the Money in the Bank contract: Raw, Dec. 3, 2012

Mr. McMahon is able to convince Vickie Guerrero to make a Ladder Match between John Cena and Dolph Ziggler for Mr. Money in the Bank's World Heavyweight Title Contract.

AJ Lee lasted 92 days as the General Manager of Raw before her abrupt resignation.

At this rate, Vickie Guerrero might be lucky if she lasts nearly that long as Managing Supervisor.

For the second time in Guerrero's short tenure, WWE Chairman Mr. McMahon returned to Raw to alter Vickie's matchmaking decisions heading into a pay-per-view. First, The Chairman's influence caused Guerrero to take CM Punk out of a Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match so he would instead defend his WWE Championship against Ryback and John Cena in a Triple Threat Match ( VIDEO). Then on Monday night, Mr. McMahon made a surprise appearance to ensure Vickie didn't let bias cloud her judgment and added extra spice to WWE TLC in the process. ( PHOTOS)

If Mr. McMahon was truly satisfied with Vickie's performance as Managing Supervisor, why would he feel the need to step back into the picture and force her hand in front of the whole WWE Universe? Is he already realizing Guerrero may have been the wrong choice to take over day-to-day duties as Raw searches for its next General Manager following AJ Lee's controversial resignation?

As Mr. McMahon eyed her down in the center of the ring on Raw, Guerrero tried to impress The Chairman by making an "epic" John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler match for WWE TLC. But it wasn't what Mr. McMahon wanted to hear, and Guerrero quickly found herself scrambling just to keep her approval rating on steady ground.

"If you really wanted to make it epic, Vickie, then you would add a stipulation of some kind," Mr. McMahon shot back convincingly. "Let's make it big! Come on."

After being pressed by Mr. McMahon, Vickie attempted to make Cena vs. Ziggler a No Disqualification Match. Not satisfied with that either, Mr. McMahon literally had to whisper the stipulation he preferred in her ear to get Vickie to make it a Ladder Match with The Showoff's Money in the Bank contract on the line. When Guerrero expressed her concern that it wasn't fair to Ziggler, The Chairman questioned whether it was fair the WWE Universe had to be subjected to Vickie and Dolph constantly perpetuating the "AJ scandal" — or, as he put it bluntly, "this crap."

Mr. McMahon wasn't done there. As The Queen Diva tried to stumble her way out of the precarious predicament in the ring, The Chairman coaxed another decision from Guerrero. If CM Punk was found to be lying during the lie detector test administered by The Miz, then the "mastermind," Paul Heyman, would have to face Ryback on next week's Raw.

"Yeah! That's my girl, Vickie Guerrero," Mr. McMahon excitedly shouted. "Let's hear it for Vickie!"

While The Chairman was certainly pleased with the result of his meddling, it was soon clear that not everyone was. Later backstage, both Ziggler and Heyman made it a point to get in Vickie's face about her choices directed by Mr. McMahon. The Showoff seemed especially upset, telling his former manager they weren't on the same page and Vickie was starting to resemble AJ Lee.

In the end, though, it's only one man's opinion that makes the difference between Guerrero keeping her job and being knocked off her pedestal of power completely. For one night at least, it appears Vickie kept the demanding Chairman happy enough to remain Managing Supervisor. How long she'll be able to keep doing that, however, is anyone's guess. 

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