The Day After Raw: Your Tweets for Jan. 17, 2012

Bell to Belding, Monday's Raw SuperShow was filled with returns and cameos in Anaheim,Calif. A climactic ending sequence involving livid WWE EVP John Laurinaitis and Mick Foley foiled the visual of Mr. Socko's cotton comeuppance in the main event ... but it's all right because Raw was saved by the bell.
It's the day after Raw. Let's see what you thought ...
The taste of sweet sock-cess
WWE Universe had a nice day on Monday thanks, in part, to the tube socked
success of Mick Foley alongside WWE Champion CM Punk against Dolph Ziggler,
Mark Henry and David Otunga. The reemergence of Mr. Socko from the sweatpants
of Foley drew WWE fans to their feet even after being soured by an
anticlimactic return to action by Chris Jericho, who deserted his team.
Of course, the terse, tense verbal exchange between Punk and Interim Raw GM (shades of Austin-McMahon) led to the executive's blown gasket and ensuing microphone blast to Mick's noggin. (WATCH) Foley may have left Raw with a bad taste in his mouth following the cheap shot by Laurinaitis, but you can bet it'll be Otunga who will be filling his coffee mug with mouthwash instead of his usual joe for the next week.
@mikec3563: @realMickFoley Nice to see you get some in ring time live on a #Raw main event, i get chills when you pull out Mr Socko. Pure nostaligia :-)
@JTWyatt: @realMickFoley We need more of u on #Raw. Just wish u would have stuck Mr. Socko down Laurinaitis's throat.
@Dooleysmash: Mr. Socko for 2012 Royal Rumble. Lol #RAW
@meechell83: @realMickFoley Mr. Socko should have his own twitter! Please never leave #raw
@TheAhmedBH: The best part in the #raw supershow was when The Executive VP of Talent Relations and Interim Raw GM John Laurinaitis get angry hahaha :D
@WNSource: Is it true? Is Johnny Ace the NEW Mr Mcmahon? Is CM Punk the NEW Stone Cold Steve Austin? #cmpunk #johnnyace #wwe #raw #vince #austin
@janoxrock: Mr. John Laurinaitis embrace the hate. #RAW @WWE
@cynicjrh: Punk nailed his promo, but guess what: so did Ace. That was Laurinaitis' best performance to date. If Punk/Ace happens, I'm there. #wwe #raw
@WWERockCena: U Mad Bro? U Mad? Stay Mad! xD | #WWE #Raw #SuperShow John "Johnny Ace" Laurinaitis
@EricaWing: Johnny Ace takes out legend Mick Foley. Much more effective than manning up to Punk. Riiiiiight. #Raw
@notwilson: Punk/Lauranitis storyline is like Austin/ McMahon. Being in position of power and great #heel, surely many want to see Johnny gets GTS. #raw
@MissXtreme_Kita: Raw was good 2nite. Punk/John segment reminds me of Austin/McMahon. Intense! Loving it. #WWE #RAW
@Whovian_24: The fact of the matter is there will NEVER be another 'Austin vs McMahon' like feud. @WWE #RAW
Mr. Belding drops in
hey, hey—what is going on here!?” Bayside High's favorite principal was spotted
behind the blabbering Michael Cole at the announce desk in Anaheim. Dennis
"Mr. Belding" Haskins himself from the teen TV sitcom sensation
"Saved By the Bell" got an up-close look at WWE's Zack and Kelly
(among others). He
even got passed up by Jericho in the middle of one of Y2J’s ringside parades.
An acquaintance of Long Island Iced-Z and an active participant in the Ryder Revolution, Haskins is clearly more beloved than Perez Hilton (who spoke with in an exclusive interview), if you heard the crowd or read a fraction of the tweets from Monday evening. But the cameo by Belding (camera-mugging in the crowd like Kevin Nash when the Outsider first arrived in WCW) raised a number of questions about his presence. Just because we didn't see Miss Bliss or Mr. Testaverde doesn't mean a Bayside invasion is out of the question.
@mrbelding: To all WWE fans! I hope you had as good a time as I did tonight! Hats off to all of the great pros! Nothing but love! #RAW #grateful
@ThatGuyZo: Zak Morris: "Time out!" We got a Mr. Belding sighting on @WWE #Raw! #savedbythebell
@SayJessay: Mr. Belding is ringside at #Raw. Haven't seen him enjoy a wrestling match this much since the Bayside/Valley prank war.
@Jabotism: I wonder if Mr.Belding gave @IAmJericho detention for walking out on the match tonight? #RAW
@PINFALLMagazine: Mr. Belding was left hanging by Jericho. #Raw
@Ivory_May: Haven't seen Perez Hilton in a while, wow, he got slim ö.ö #WWE #RAW
@FrontRowBrian: Mr. Belding really is at #RAW. #WWE
@MarkinOut: Mr. Belding's rocking out behind Lawler & Cole. #WWE #RAW
@Bill_Baconhill: Jericho leaving Mr. Belding hanging there was hilarious. #raw
@Shar316: OMG it's Perez Hilton!! I love you, @PerezHilton :) #Raw
@Divas_Champion: Forget Perez Hilton.Bring on Mr.Belding. #WWE #Raw
@RTVWOW: @jimmykorderas @arda_ocal To be fair, Jericho did point to Mr. Belding on #RAW
@IAmCalmMind: lol, Perez Hilton is getting booed. @WWE #Raw
@CesarDaSpawn: @mrbelding My eyes may have deceived me but I taught i taugh Mr Belding on #Raw TV LIVE!!! I DID, I DID TAUGH Mr Belding on #Raw!!!
@R0BJohnson: Haha. Mr. Belding (who is in the front row at #Raw wanted a high-five from Y2J but got left hangin lol
@Dejay11chris: Just saw Mr. Belding on #Raw. I really don't want him to become GM though, when Laurinaitis is doing such a great job.
@CharlesShane: Jericho has even trolled Mr Belding live now @WWE #Raw
@mandita_bandita: Lol! That is true! “@ROrtonsVoice: Is it just me or does Perez Hilton look like a normal size Hornswoggle? #WWE #RAW”
Little Jimmy goes to Disney
people go to Disney after a big win. R-Truth seemingly went weeks before the
30-Man Royal Rumble Match, presumably planning a trip to WrestleMania instead
of the Magic Kingdom. After meeting Mickey Mouse and others, the unbalanced
renegade tried to convince Wade Barrett that the "Barrage" wasn't
winning the over-the-top rope clash on Jan. 29, and Truth used his vacation pic
with Pinocchio to support his claim. (WATCH) In accord with a lie about Wade's Rumble
odds, the wooden puppet's nose grew as quickly as Barrett's anger.
Was that even PG? Fortunately, enough of WWE fans' tweets were.
@_HeyMike: LOL R-Truth after Pinocchio's nose grows: "I don't even know if that's PG" #WWE #RAW
@GaSportsCraze: Pinocchio tweet. RT @WWERawGM: My heart goes out to @ZackRyder. Really unhappy with what went down on #RAW
@MrNashor: LOL. @RonKillings is hilarious. He had a talk with Donald Duck and Pinocchio, and elephants can fly. #RAW
@caimart521: I wish R-Truth was a character you could meet at Disney. #RAW
@SilverMoon21: Oh man poor Wade....but then again this was just a warm up not a pre-view of Royal Rumble. The #BarrettBarrage will prevail! #RAW #WWE
@TheLos: R-Truth with Pinocchio is the creepiest thing I've ever seen! #RAW #WWE
@katierobin23: Pinocchio is not PG @WWE #RAW
@p_leo96: Hahaha, R-Truth at Disneyland! So cute. Pinocchio and R-Truth are so alike! @WWE #Raw #Supershow
@WWEfan4evr: Wade Barett is my pick for Royal Rumble winner #Raw
@smFISHMAN: R-Truth's Disney slideshow. Greatest thing ever. Still laughing. #WWE #RAW
@loveablelinds: But I wanted to see more of Truth's Disney photos. Now I'm sad. #WWE #RAW
@UnaverageJoseph: @WWE #Raw did R-Truth Take Little Jimmy to Disney Land? #ShutUpCole
Random Raw ramblings
@JobberNation: @BrodusClay doing thriller live on #RAW #WWE #PlantFunk
@JDRomes: @BrodusClay Somebody call my momma.... Oh my bad... Lol Epic @WWE @WWEUniverse #raw
@MrBillySadler: Should I get him!? SUPLEX!! ......My Bad... :P #BrodusClay #Funkasaurus #RAW
@Podswoggle: The All-American-American-American-American-United States-American-American-Champion, Jack Swagger! #Raw #WWE
@StoreyXIV: Is this Cena embracing the hate? #Raw
@IceManCeaser: Finally some fire from Cena. #loveit Bout damn time. Funny that Kane interrupted Cena from unleashing his hate #wwe #raw #iwantwrestling
@X_the_Unknown: Chris Jericho. The jacket heard round the world. #WWE #RAW
@Matttyce00: I know there's probably a ton of tweets saying this BUT i want Chris Jericho's jacket! #Raw go clubbing with that..DAMN
@DaRealMikeHertz: @WWE 1992 Royal Rumble is definitely the best rumble of all time #raw
@EdgekCruiseV1: @WWE We want to @realMickFoley in the Royal Rumble 2012!!! Bang Bang!!! @WWEUniverse #Raw
@missweaz11: Love this new angry state that @JohnCena showed tn on #Raw kane is going to get what he deserves at royal rumble
Share your voice with the rest of the WWE Universe on Twitter by using #RAW and check back next week for the next edition of The Day After Raw.
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