Xia Brookside & Millie McKenzie def. Charlie Morgan & Killer Kelly

Xia Brookside & Millie McKenzie vs. Charlie Morgan & Killer Kelly: NXT UK, Nov. 28, 2018

In the wake of their spirited individual efforts in the NXT UK Women's Championship Tournament, second generation competitor Xia Brookside and 18-year-old Millie McKenzie join forces against the intense combination of Charlie Morgan & Killer Kelly.

In the wake of their spirited individual efforts in the NXT UK Women’s Championship Tournament, second-generation competitor Xia Brookside joined forces with 18-year-old Millie McKenzie against the intense combination of Charlie Morgan & Killer Kelly.

Just when it looked as if the Brookside was en route to deliver a top-rope attack on Morgan in the height of the hard-fought matchup, Kelly interfered on the apron. While Morgan was able to use this to throw Brookside into the ring post, the commotion left the referee distracted and opened the door for Suplex Millie to level Morgan with a spear and paved the way for Brookside to pick up the pin of her fallen opponent.

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