Most Extreme Player for 12/07/07

Most Extreme Player for 12/07/07

This week's Most Extreme Players are our Armed Forces around the world who are separated from their families over the holidays in order to protect and preserve the freedoms that most of the world takes for granted.

Once again, our WWE Chairman, Superstars and Production Crew volunteered their time and talents to selflessly fly into a war zone to entertain and bring some holiday cheer to our servicemen and women. Our military personnel, true American heroes, will once again be apart from their families over the holidays in order to rebuild a new democratic nation, which not long ago was governed with an iron fist by a murderous dictator who was banished and incarcerated by the United States Military and its Allied Forces. Performing for these brave men and women is the least we can do for them and does not begin to repay the debt we owe them.
The mainstream media undermines the efforts and morale of our troops, either intentionally or through ignorance, and Hollywood's millionaires look on from their Malibu mansions with the same ungrateful indifference. However, year after year, World Wrestling Entertainment pays tribute to our troops, this week's Most Extreme Players.

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