Teachers' Corner: Illinois Public Library embraces 'The Challenge'

Teachers' Corner: Illinois Public Library embraces 'The Challenge'

Susan Kunkel, the Youth Services Manager, at Forest Park Public Library in Illinois, shared with WWE.com's Teachers' Corner her plans for Teen Read Week and the WrestleMania Reading Challenge, which starts this weekend, Oct. 16 and 17: 

For our Challenge events, we're having after school entry workshop sessions every day of Teen Read Week, we're also having a video game Smack Down tournament, a costume contest followed by a Nacho Libre screening (where we'll be taking green screen photos of the kids so we can make them their own wrestling cards) and the final judging ceremony with representatives from the community. We've also partnered with the art teachers at the schools to make entries a class project and included information about the program in our presentation to the district teachers and principals at their Institute Day at the beginning of the school year.

It's a great program and a partnership that will really have a lot of impact. I hope it continues.

Find out how you can take the pledge to read five books and win a trip to WrestleMania XXVII by visiting wrestlemaniareadingchallenge.com.

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