Maria rocking the caucus

Maria rocking the caucus

In conjunction with WWE's "Rock the Caucus" effort, wanted to learn exactly what will be happening at the Iowa political caucuses. With the presidential campaigns in full swing, sought out pre-eminent scholars in political science. But since they were all still on vacation, we decided to ask Maria:
So, Maria, have you ever been involved in politics before?

Um, well, I did vote on Cyber Sunday a couple of times. (laughs) Does that count?
Sort of. Anyway, moving along, have you ever been involved in a caucus?

(Twirling hair) You mean those things that Mr. McMahon loves? Um, I'm not sure I should answer that.
No, caucus not cocks. We can talk about Mr. McMahon's rooster obsession some other time.

Oh, caucus. Well, there was the time we were in Arizona, and I accidentally sat on one during this nature hike in the desert, and the needles went right up my…
No, no, no. Not cactus. Caucus, C-A-U-C-U-S.

Oh. I see. Yeah, I know a little about that.
Care to share?

Actually, the word "caucus" is derived from an Algonquin word meaning "gathering of tribal chiefs," and the main crux of the caucus system today is indeed a series of meetings. Since 1972, the Iowa caucus has been the first major electoral event of the nominating process for President of the United States. In short, people in Iowa who are registered with the two major political parties -- Democrats and Republicans -- gather together with people of their own party to debate the merits of their party's individual candidate. After debate, delegates are elected to represent the people nationally. Eventually, these delegates will represent Iowa at their political party's National Convention and help to elect their party's presidential nominee. It's actually a little more complicated than that, but you get the idea.
Wow. OK, um, thanks for that.

You're welcome. Hey, did I ever tell you about the time I got my head stuck in a doggy door?
Sounds fascinating, but let's save that for next time.

(Smiles and shrugs) OK.

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