WWE goes to the Philippines

SmackDown Superstars landed in Manila, Philippines, last Wednesday, officially kicking off this leg of the Survivor Series Tour. For almost a week, Superstars had the chance to meet their Filipino fans and learn about the Asian country's culture.

All attending members of the SmackDown roster were excited, but the trip held a special meaning to Batista.

"I am half Filipino," Batista told WWE.com. "I went over there and did some PR. It was just amazing. I'm only half Filipino and I'm from the United States, but it was really like a homecoming for me."

Batista added he felt like the prodigal son during his media visit. He was happy to meet WWE fans, but he still had a strong desire to give something back to them.

"I'm extremely excited to go over there and perform for them," he said. "I got to meet a lot of the fans, but I didn't get to perform for them. So I'm super excited about it."

Batista admitted American WWE fans have many more opportunities to attend live events than WWE fans anywhere else in the world, so when the company brings live sports-entertainment to international followers, there is always a very warm reception.

"When we travel, it's very limited, so they're always just extremely excited to see us," he said. "I think that's the major difference. They're not as used to seeing us. And when we make a long trip to perform for them, I think they're extra excited to see us."

Be sure to check frequently as WWE.com captures all of Batista's and the other SmackDown Superstars' experiences.

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